Home Products combine parts case-ih platform and reel platform and reel arms and bearings auger fingers auger inspection hole cover draper bearings draper belts Subcategories 1042, 2042 1052, 2052, 2062 2142, 2152, 2162 3152, 3162 flex-tine reel kit floor sheets Subcategories 1020 2020 PIN to CBJ021300 or starting HAJ 2020 PIN CBJ021201 & up or starting Y97L or YAZL 3020 grain grabber johnson grain saver paddle tine pickup head belts pipe reel tubes Subcategories 4.5" tine spacing 6" tine spacing pipe reel tine kits Subcategories 4.5" tine spacing 6" tine spacing poly skid plates Subcategories 820 1020 complete kits individual plates 2020 to PIN CBJ020000 2020 PIN CBJ020001 to CBJ020700 2020 PIN CBJ020701 to CBJ021300 2020 PIN CBJ021301 and up, or start Y9ZL or YAZL 2042, 2052, 2062, 2142, 2152, 2162 3020 3152, 3162 poly auger trough liner Subcategories 1020 2020 reel paddle reel tines tru-tube® tool wobble box belts Subcategories 820 1020 2020, 3020 1042, 1052, 2042, 2052, 2062 2142, 2152, 2162 wood reel bats Subcategories 13' Wide 810, 820 15' Wide 810, 820 16.5' Wide 810, 820 17.5' Wide 810, 820 20' Wide 810, 820 22.5' Wide 810, 820 24' Wide 810, 820